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Category: Inspiration

30 Photos That Make Use of Leading Lines

When it comes to photography composition, there are many different rules and principles that you can follow. One of the most effective ways to create interesting photos is to make use of leading lines that guide the eye of the viewer. When you’re photographing landscapes and urban landscapes, there are a number of different ways to use leading lines. Sometimes the lines be appear in nature, and other times it will be man-made objects that create the line.

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What to Photograph in Death Valley

Death Valley is as formidable a place as the name suggests. People die here from overexposure to the heat, particularly runners or those who are not prepared by bringing enough water and wearing protective clothing. It’s also a place with extreme settings. When the heat of the summer dies away, it gives way to extreme cold – and the scenery transforms with each change, too. There are heights and depths, extreme dryness along with the other phenomena, and tarmac roads stretching between areas of almost untouched nature.

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What to Photograph in Greece

If you are planning a trip to Greece, no doubt you will want to bring your camera along to take advantage of your temporary location. But there’s a big difference between vacation snapshots and professional landscape photography – and often it’s all about the ‘what’, not just the ‘how’. Here’s a list of some of the key points to photograph in Greece – and how you can get a different view to the average tourist that would be more in line with a portfolio.

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Black & White Landscapes

Shooting in black & white, or converting color images to black & white, often allows you to create powerful, moody photos. Black & white isn’t appropriate for every landscape or nature shot, but when the situation is right, going to black & white can be a very effective approach.

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3 Qualities Ansel Adams Had That Made Him A Master Landscape Photographer

For many landscape photographers, Ansel Adams is not just a role model, but a household name. Adams’ work has proven itself as timeless and has set the standard for modern landscape photography. So what is it that made Adams such a gifted artist? Of course, natural talent comes into play at some point, but it’s important not to dismiss the endless amount of hard work and dedication he put into his craft.

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