Loaded Landscapes

Photographing the Tucquan Glen Nature Preserve (Pennsylvania)

The Tucquan Glen Nature Preserve in Lancaster County is an amazing place to photograph a cascading creek and surrounding forest.

8 years ago

Optimizing Exposure: Shutter Speed

Shutter speed represents the amount of time the sensor is exposed to light. We use shutter speed to freeze motion.…

8 years ago

Making the Most of Bad Weather

The phrase “bad weather” is enough to send many photographers running for home. For many, bad weather is synonymous with…

8 years ago

Pole Steeple Trail, Pine Grove Furnace State Park (Pennsylvania)

Pine Grove Furnace State Park is in southern Pennsylvania, a short drive north of Gettysburg. The highlight of this state…

8 years ago

8 Situations When You Should Use Filters

They’re inexpensive, lightweight, and extremely effective –there’s a reason that filters are the go-to accessory of choice for most professional…

8 years ago

Creating Compelling Silhouette Photography

In photography, silhouettes communicate feeling, mood and an overall story. From stillness to movement, from light to dark, they offer…

8 years ago

Photographing the Point Judith Lighthouse (Rhode Island)

Point Judith protrudes about one mile into the Atlantic Ocean at the entrance to the Narragansett Bay and the Block…

8 years ago

Using Reflections in Landscape Photography

Our eyes are naturally drawn to watery landscapes. There’s something special about water, and a reflective surface can dramatically enhance…

8 years ago

Photographing Hawk Falls, Hickory Run State Park (Pennsylvania)

Hawk Falls is a beautiful 25-foot waterfall that is easy to access and somewhat under appreciated. Hickory Run State Park…

8 years ago

Tips for Wildlife Photography

When it comes to landscape photography, wildlife can be a great way to add some extra interest and life to…

8 years ago